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3 Weeks Changed Everything

I’m Emily Werness and God shifted everything when I went to my Project Searchlight here in Georgia just 4 weeks ago. PSL is a post-race opportunity to reunite with squadmates, process the Race, and gain some wisdom on how to take what we have seen and learned and pour it out wherever God takes us next. 

By the nudging of a squadmate I went to the CGA luncheon and it all started to shift over some tacos. I was introduced to story track and I felt something in me come alive. It was the first nudge the Holy Spirit gave me that this is the next step. Very unlike me, I signed up for an interview 20 minutes from that moment to give myself the opportunity to say no. It went really well and in the middle of my interview, my interviewer looked at me and said, “I think you should consider praying about coming in September.” My jaw hung open longer than is socially acceptable, as the idea seemed crazy to me – I was thinking January! Cue nudge number two from the Holy Spirit.

The next morning greeted me with an acceptance email to Story track in CGA for September or January if I so choose. My heart started pounding as my eyes scanned the email on my phone. My gut knew it, “This is it. This is my next step.” Nudge number four from my good friend the Holy Spirit. Despite all of these helpful encouragements, the next bout of fretting was September or January. September or January?! 

Let’s be real. I already knew what God was asking me to do. 

I said yes. September it is. 

Cue the next seemingly insurmountable task ahead of me: fundraising $3950 for this semester. Let it be known this was just 3 weeks from the move-in date down in Georgia. No plane ticket, no money, no car. Nothing. All I knew is that this is exactly where God wants me to be and I told him he would need to to the impossible in my life once again. 

Fast forward another week or two. I had started gathering things, posted a blog announcing my decision, and sent out fundraising emails. I had $20 in my account. At this point I asked my squad to intentionally pray over the next week for funds to come in for CGA, as I had a deadline of $1975 and report to Georgia in just one week. I began another fundraising tool – a grid of boxes for sale!

Within 3-4 days I had half of what I needed for CGA – which means I had met my deadline! PRAISE!

Now it was Thursday, September 10, one day before I was to report to Gainesville. I had a busy morning of laundry and packing, not really checking email or social media until mid-day. When I opened my World Race blog to check where I was at with fundraising, my eyes bugged out and my jaw dropped. I was OVER my fundraising deadline. I WAS BEYOND FULLY FUNDED. 

Mind blown. Heart humbled. Soul swelling at how my God continues to do the impossible in my life and how sometimes he works miracles in small time frames because of how much he loves me.

NEVER underestimate what God can do. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways higher than our ways. NEVER forget that with him, ALL things are possible.

To those of you who are the angels God used to make this miracle a reality, thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for choosing to believe in what God is doing and continuing this journey with me. 

For those of you who wanted to support me and didn’t get a chance to give, please comment, email, or personal message me to find out how you can still do this! I am in need of help with the little things like groceries/toiletries, so Walmart gift cards are most welcome! 

I love you all so much and keep your eyes posted for my weekly blog updates during my time here at CGA and feel free to subscribe to receive updates. 

God is good. All the time.

Next week, stay tuned for what God taught me while hiking in the wilderness.