
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I made it through the wilderness.

To kick off our semester at CGA they decided to send us out into the wilderness on a mandatory hiking/backpacking trip. 

I like the outdoors and camping, especially when it isn’t raining, so I didn’t mind at all. Armed with my teal daypack filled with essentials, my red flannel tied around my waist, my phone left safely upstairs in my new room, I hit the trail with my fellow CGAers and our two leaders. 

We hiked in silence as they gave us questions to think and pray about, like, what do I want from this next season? Is God good? Why am I here? What does God want from me this next season? What needs to die from last season? Having the space to think and verbally process with my group was most welcome, but the best part of the trip, aside from a rousing game of fishbowl around the fire with a special 4th round, was the solo day.

On the solo day we were each given our own space to camp within sight of a couple other hikers, but were not allowed to talk to anyone for the next 24ish hours. I set up my hammock between two trees and snuggled in my sleeping bag with naught but my Bible, journal, and pen. Just me, God, and his creation. It was a much needed time of rest and the day went by much faster than I would have liked. Throughout the day I napped, prayed, dug into the Word, and journaled A LOT. God reminded me of his faithfulness and his constant presence in my life. He is always with me and always will be. Nothing can separate me from his love. I am enough and he just wants to be with me, his precious daughter.

There was one small revelation that stood out to me that I want to share with you. Early on in the hike when we ran out of the water we filled up on at the AIM office, our leader reminded us that we needed to fill up in the creek with living water, not stagnant water. It had to be moving in order for it to be good enough to drink (after the proper time was allotted for the iodine tablets to work their magic of course). The Lord brought this thought to my mind as I listened to the water nearby, alone in my hammock. To hydrate and nourish the water must be alive and mobile – full of action! The still, stagnant water breeds more germs and pests and is unfit for drinking. So it is with our lives, with my life. Am I being living water? Am I absorbing the living Word of God into my life so it is a part of me and causing growth and change as the Word molds me? The Bible says that out of us can flow rivers of living water! Or am I being stationary – content to be where I am, not going anywhere? Is there no life moving in me so others just pass on by because I cannot give them what they thirst for? That’s a scary thought.

I don’t know about you but I want to be water that can help give life to others; water that is fit for drinking.