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Thoughts & Inspiration

I am His.

I’m going to be honest. 

The past three weeks here at CGA have flown! It has felt like home – I don’t feel that uncomfortable awkwardness that usually accompanies a move and meeting new people.

I feel no shame talking about the Vikings all the time, dancing while I get ready, or talking in a bizarre voice or accent. I embrace my weirdness in this daily life. 

But when it comes to writing, that’s another story (no pun intended). I am in Story track, meaning we write an entire non-fiction book. This also means there are weekly chapter deadlines, weekly critiques, blogging, etc. Writing is work and it requires not only your mind and body, but your spirit – your heart. 

Transitioning from pouring out my thoughts in journals or short narratives and poems for just me to writing with an audience in mind has been rougher than I thought. Comparison tip-toed back into my life through writing. While working on my book proposal and first chapter this past week I wrestled with lies.

Wow, you’re terrible at this. That doesn’t make sense. Your story doesn’t matter and people don’t care. Nothing will come of this. 

I felt discouraged and just so sad. I was believing the lies. 

My Heavenly Father loves me so much and wasn’t going to let me wallow in this muck. He used an encouraging note and worship space at AIM’s Hearing the Voice of God conference last weekend to wash it all away. I was reminded that He chose me. He made me. He is with me and will pour out His Spirit on my life – I am His. 

At the conference, during the song “How He Loves” I opened my mouth to sing and found myself choked up. I was swaying side to side to the music and all of a sudden my Heavenly Father was there, sweeping me up in His arms, dancing with me, singing this love song for me, His daughter. His eyes locked on mine, beaming with pride and love. He noticed me from across the room and made a beeline for me. He pursues me. He desires to be with me every moment of every day. I don’t need to look around the room, He is all that matters. Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes. I look into His eyes and I am home. I am secure. I am His. 

As I looked around the room the thought dawned on me: that is how He sees all of us – as His. He pursues each and every one of us like we’re the only one in the room. Everyone around me is just as cherished and sought after. The thought floored me because I wondered how many people didn’t know or didn’t understand the depth of just how much the Father loves them. 

Let me tell you now – you are more loved and treasured than you could ever imagine. Your life is worth the highest price there has ever been – the blood of the only Son of the Living God. You are worth it all. He looks on you with eyes gleaming with love. There is nothing that could ever separate you from Him. Don’t believe me? That’s okay, I didn’t say it! Give Romans 8:38-39 your attention. You’re His.

This love, this identity is what drives my own life.

Everything flows out of who we believe ourselves to be. 

I am a daughter of the King of Kings. Treasured. Precious. Filled with His purpose. 

I am His. 

That truth branded on my heart gives me the courage to open my laptop and begin writing the story He’s authored in my life so far. 

What does this truth give you the courage to do? Worship with abandon? Talk to the woman at work everyone avoids? Step outside your comfort zone? 

No matter what it is, you will not be shaken. 

You are His.